Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Textured Cables!!

So, I've went out on a limb and created a pattern for a cabled hat using seed stitches. This one is a gift for my sister's birthday!

Pattern and pics to come after it has been gifted to her :)

Okay, Here it is :D!


Needles-size US 4 and US 6 16" circular, 40" circular for magic loop, or dpns
Yarn-dk weight wool apx. 200 yds
tapestry needle for closing the top and weaving ends
stitch markers

Gauge is not entirely important since the beret can be blocked to acheive a larger size, and is meant to be worn slouchy.


-Cast on 120 sts on smaller needles, join in the round being careful not to twist the stitches. Place marker to mark beginning of round.

-k 1, p 1 ribbing for 8 rnds.

-Change to larger needles, and start working the cable patern as follows:

Row 1:* k1, p1 for 17 sts, place marker, k6, p1, k6, repeat from * to end.
Row 2:* p1, k1 for 17 sts, slip marker k6, p1, k6, repeat from * to end.
Repeat these 2 rounds a total of 5 times, slipping markers as you come to them.

Row 11: *Continue in seed stitch pattern for 17 sts, C3F, p1, C3B, repeat from * to end.
Repeat these 11 rows 5 times total.

Knit rows 1 and 2 once.

Next round, k2tog accross.

Knit 2 rounds even.

Next round, k2tog accross. (30 sts total remain)

Thread tail through remaining stitches, pull tight and secure. Weave in all ends. Wash and block. To block, stuff beret with plastic bags to form shape and lat flat to dry.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Custom Leah Top

Finally finished my 1st clothing project for myself, a purple halter top! I am in love, and have worn it 3 day in a row now lol! It was a lil challenging getting to fit, though. My hips are 40" and my bustline is 32". Had to rip back and make it smaller, so it took a lil longer than I had hoped. Very pleased with the outcome, and hope to make another one for next summer! Here's a link for the pattern instructions:

Monday, May 10, 2010

baby jumper

Loving this quick knit! Another great pattern from ravelry, my favorite place to surf! Used lion bran wool-ease and sz 8 needles for a smaller baby. Seems it is still too small for my 7 month old lil girl, but will be useful in the fall!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Easy Newborn Bonnet

I recently knit a baby bonnet for my baby in womb from a pattern on ravelry, but once she came I realized it was waay too big for her. I was bummed! She will probably fit into it in a bout 3-4 months. So I have created my 1st knitting pattern, a bonnet that is a true "newborn" size. My lil girl is about 8lbs with a 14" head circ, and it fits her beautifully! This should fit a baby 7-10lbs.

Easy Newborn Bonnet:


Bernat Softee Baby- apx. 1/8 skein
Size 6 (US) needles (I used a 16" circ to accomadate for the large # of sts)
Tapestry needle


C/o 74 sts on US 6 needles.

Knit in ribbing (k2, p2 or another variation of your liking) for about 1.5”.

Change to garter or st st and decrease 4 sts evenly accross this row. Knit until entire piece measures 4.5” from cast on.

Decrease for crown:

row 1- (RS) k3, k2tog, repeat to end (end will have 3 sts left, just k these 3) row 2 - knit (or purl if using st st)
row 3-k2, k2tog, repeat to end
row 4- knit
row 5- k1, k2tog, repeat to end
row 6- knit
row 7-k2tog repeat to end

Thread tapestry needle through last sts and pull tight. Cut this tail long and use it to sew about 2 inches at crown. Secure.

Thread through 6 strands of yarn on each side of bonnet at edge where ribbing meets stocknette stitch and braid to create ties.

Will fit baby about 7-10 lbs.
To make for 3-6 mo baby, double up yarn or cast on 82 sts.
To make for preemie, use sz 4s or c/o 66 sts.

Picture to come~!

One of my favorite patterns

One of my favorite patterns
baby girl angel's nest